Dieppe is growing rapidly and with growth comes challenges and opportunities. The municipality is working on a strategy to define how and where we want this development to continue for the city's future.

Growth is a hot topic these days, both in Dieppe and across Canada. The municipality is developing a strategy to determine how and where we want to grow, while also taking current challenges into account. Residents are invited to participate in this important process for the future of our community. Consultations will take place this fall. Your participation will be crucial to ensuring that the new strategy reflects the community’s needs and vision. Stay connected on our social media to not miss out on the public consultation. For more information about the project, read on!

Graphic of the Urban Growth Strategy project timeline showing Visioning in Fall 2024, Drafting in Winter 2024-25 and Adoption in Spring 2025 with the City of Dieppe logo


The public consultation phase of the project will involve a series of visioning activities to help to determine the priorities, challenges and opportunities that residents see in relation to growth. These activities will include:

  • Public Information Sessions
    • In-person and online!
  • Pop Up Events
  • Public Survey
  • Business Survey
  • Interactive Mapping Activity
  • Stakeholder Interviews


The next phase of the project will involve a workshop with City staff and Council to determine a preferred growth scenario for Dieppe. The Urban Growth Strategy will then be drafted, guided by the direction of Council and the input received from residents and stakeholders during the visioning phase of engagement.

A series of public Fact Sheets will also be developed to discuss the growth potential for different parts of the City and will outline the opportunities and constraints of each area.


The final phase of the project will be the presentation of the final Urban Growth Strategy to Council and the formal adoption of the document. The strategy, in tandem with the Municipal Development Plan, will help to inform decisions about growth and development as Dieppe continues to grow.