About the Project
This project aims to improve mobility for residents and visitors in Whycocomagh, reflecting the Municipality of Inverness County's vision of a vibrant, sustainable community where active transportation is safe, accessible, and enjoyable for everyone. Currently, the design of Main Street and Highway 105 prioritizes vehicles, limiting opportunities for active transportation. The project covers the area from Whycocomagh Provincial Park at 9780 Highway 105 to where Highway 105 meets the Skye River, including the entire Main Street corridor and the intersections of nearby streets. By introducing thoughtfully designed infrastructure that balances all modes of transportation and prioritizes inclusion, the final plan will improve safety and comfort for active transportation users, and establish a distinct sense of place reflecting Whycocomagh's unique character and identity as a hub for outdoor adventure.
- Creating welcoming entry points to the community.
- Changing curb lines at intersections to help slow down traffic.
- Adding safe places to cross the street and decorative median areas.
- Building new sidewalks and dedicated lanes for bikes.
- Installing additional bike lanes where needed.
- Enhancing the area with landscaping, better street lighting, benches, and placemaking.
- Improving systems to manage rainwater and prevent flooding.
- Redesigning parking areas to better fit the new transportation plans.
- Analyzing and upgrading street lights for better visibility and safety.
Share Your Vision
Community input will be at the heart of this project, and there will be many opportunities for you to get involved every step of the way. The project is currently in the formative engagement phase, and you are invited to participate in the public survey and social map below. Any feedback you can provide is invaluable and greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for sharing your vision for the future of active transportation in Whycocomagh.